The Magic Keys 1 are 3 special aluminum components, with the purpose to block the lid sensors of your PS TWO (PS2 Slimline, SCPH-7000X).
These will only fit and work on Slim PS2 models SCPH-700XX, which means ONLY the versions below;
Check the back of your PS2 for your SCPH number!
*For use if your PS2 Slim lid is broken and as a result- sensors can lo longer be activated. Installation of MK2, MK1 or Magic Switches will depress the sensors your broken lid can no longer depress.
The use of the Magic Keys does not void the warranty of your PSTwo.
You do not have to open or dismantle your PSTwo.
Their installation is very fast and easy.
The Magic Keys can be removed at any time.
The lid of your PS TWO can be opened and closed.
They do not disturb normal working of your console.
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Disclaimer: The manufacturer of these products is not liable for misuse of this product. Ultimate Console Guides cannot be responsible for damaged cause while trying to install these parts. Misuse includes improper installation, or console while trying to install, and illegal use of the modified console. There are no warranties expressed or implied by purchase of this product. In addition, opening up the console will invalidate any outstanding warranty it may have.